The Atacamenian Community of Toconao from July 2019 begins the conformation of its Plavi "Community Life Plan" in a text that compiles a series of desires, wishes and needs; from a participatory work of meetings, surveys that constitutes the consensus of the main needs of the community of Toconao, and that becomes a navigation chart for the leadership of the boards of the Community that will allow them to prioritize the actions and community projects to be undertaken with a 10-year horizon.
The objective of the work focused on building a strategic management tool for the Atacamenian Community of Toconao, gathering information from communication and participation with various social actors, which provide elements for the sustainable development of the community and its territory from a local perspective, with a sense of identity and with a flexible projection of short, medium and long term.
The document has an introductory section, which identifies the mission, vision and value; of the Atacamenian Community of Toconao, as well as the objectives of the organization, followed by a description of a qualitative analysis, developed by gathering the different points of view of the main existing organizations in the territory, and, a quantitative analysis developed from a survey conducted in the month of August 2019 and which covered more than 80% of the population.

As for the qualitative approach, we had the participation of: The "Association of Farmers and Irrigators of Toconao", which is an organization that brings together about 200 members, who concentrate their work mainly in the agricultural areas of Jere, Bosque Viejo and Campo, also of "The Association of Farmers and Irrigators of Soncor" which is a local organization that was formed a couple of decades ago, and currently, concentrates 48 members, the "Association of Pastors and Farmers of Zapallar" which is a local group with a history of at least six years, The "Asociación Indígena de Regantes y Agricultores de Zapar" that exists since 1996 and gathers thirty members, the "Asociación de Agricultores y Regantes de Aguas Blancas" that was constituted during the first half of the 90's, under the protection of the Indigenous Law, that currently gathers 37 members, and the "Asociación de Pastores y Ganaderos, Canteros, Artesanos, Organizaciones y Clubes Deportivos y Culturales" that currently gathers 37 members, and the "Asociación de Pastores y Ganaderos, Canteros, Artesanos, Organizaciones y Clubes Deportivos y Culturales; of Toconao.
Among the main requirements of the actors participating in the qualitative approach, we can mention: improvements in irrigation infrastructure, roads, ponds, greenhouses or that provide a basis for the productivity of the quarry, support in legal advice for the regularization of land and registration of water rights, technical advice for the development of irrigation projects, as well as strategies for the transfer of knowledge from older adults to young people in order to preserve the activities and customs.
As for the quantitative approach, a survey was carried out, based on the format of a "census by right", i.e. conducted over a period of 2 weeks, based on a standardized booklet per household, in which information characteristic of the vast majority of the family groups in Toconao was captured.
Regarding the information collected, it was mainly oriented to: Number of members of the family group, age and educational background, employment and income history, history of access to basic services and perception of public institutions, and history of perception of activities or level of environmental impact.
In summary, the survey of 230 households in Toconao, grouping a universe of 960 people surveyed, in which 87.88% consider themselves Lickan Antay and/or Atacamenian, 251 identify themselves as active members of the Community, 62.88% of those surveyed indicate that the house they live in is their own, 91.63% of those surveyed state that they have observed some type of climate change in Toconao.

Infrastructure Services and Connectivity
- Drinking Water, Electricity and Basic Services
- Recreational and senior citizen infrastructure
- Heritage and Identity Infrastructure

Health and Education
- Strategic plan for rural health system in Toconao
- Improved/new post/office infrastructure
- Emergency attention for Toconao
- Implementation of specialized health care in Toconao

Local Economy
- Remodeling of Washing and Shearing Center for Toconao
- Reopening of the Toconao Quarry
- Feasibility and Construction of Packing for Toconao

Tradition, Culture, Identity and Oral History
- Enjoy the Toconao Summer
- Interlaces
- Documentation Center
- Chapatur – Growing community complex
- Strengthening local clubs
- Strengthening of the El Tranque sector

Territory and Environment
- Territorial concession and territorial demand
- Your land without problems
- Toconao dam gate changes
- Annex greenhouse agriculture
- In search of lost water
- New clean points
- Internalizing environmental protection
- Garbage free, pollution free